Aviation Aftermarket Resin Sets
By Chris Banyai-Riepl
CMK 7001
1/72 P-51 Mustang Interior Set
for the Italeri and Condor kits
This interior set comes with a resin cockpit, brass etched details, and a vacuformed canopy. The resin cockpit is made up of separate sidewalls and cockpit floor, separate radios, and a seat. The brass parts complete the interior with an instrument panel, seat belts, rudder pedals, and various control knobs. The resin is very crisply molded, and in the case of the sidewalls, very thin. No air bubbles are present, and very little flash surrounds the parts.
CMK 4004
1/48 Il-2m3 Interior Set
for the Accurate Miniatures kit
Molded in light gray resin, this interior set also has etched brass details and a vacuformed canopy. The resin parts are very well molded and separated into two bags, with the large items kept away from the more delicate pieces. The brass parts provide an instrument panel and an ammunition belt, among other details. The vacuformed canopy is crisp, but somewhat foggy. Some of the smaller resin parts have a pebbly texture to them, but for the most part they are smooth with crisp edges.
CMK 4005
1/48 Bf109K Interior Set
for the Hasegawa and Fujimi kits
Resin, brass, and vacuformed plastic make up this set. The main cockpit floor and rear bulkhead are one piece, with the seat molded in place. The sidewalls are separate pieces, as are the resin rudder pedals and control stick. The brass parts round out the interior with an instrument panel, armor plate, and other detail bits. The vacuformed canopy is clear and thin.
CMK 4009
1/48 Ju88A Interior Set
for the Revell/Monogram kit
This set has lots of pieces, nearly all of which can be seen quite clearly under the vacuformed canopy. The resin parts include sidewall detail, cockpit floor, radioman's station, and seats. The brass parts make up all of the engine throttles, instrument panel, trim wheels, gunsights, and more. The packaging in the review sample was not very good, though, and two of the three resin guns were broken and part of the vacuformed canopy was crushed. The guns can be easily fixed, but the canopy could be difficult to repair.
CMK 4011
1/48 Hurricane Mk. II Interior Set
for the Hasegawa kit
The cramped cockpit of the Hurricane shows up well in this set, with resin sidewalls and cockpit floor being complemented by brass details including a superb instrument panel. The resin seat is very well done as well, with a full harness and seat cushion. There are few parts in this set, but there is a lot of detail. It will go together quickly, but plan on a long time of painting all of this up. A vacuformed canopy will show it off nicely, and is thin enough to rest over the rear fuselage.
CMK 4012
1/48 Hurricane Control Surfaces
for the Hasegawa kit
This set provides a full complement of control surfaces for a Hurricane. Also included is a set of horizontal stabilizers.
All have rib detail that is very finely done. The instructions are basic, but there really isn't any need for them anyway, as this set is pretty much a no-brainer. There is no flash present. The trailing edges aren't very thin, though, with the ailerons being the worst and the elevators the best.
CMK 4013
1/48 Hurricane Mk. II Night Intruder
Conversion for Hasegawa kit
This set provides all that is needed to take the Hasegawa Hurricane Mk. IIc and convert it into a night intruder version. Both types of wing cannons are given, as are the underwing tanks. All are molded in a medium gray resin, and the detail is very crisp. This set is an enexpensive way to make something different from the Hasegawa Hurricane.
KMC 1/48 A-4E/F Skyhawk Update Set
for the Monogram kit
The KMC Skyhawk Update Set is designed for installation in the Monogram A-4E/F kit, which has been out of production for a few years. Hopefully this signals a future re-release of the ‘Scooter’ by the kind folks at Revell-Monogram. Straight out of the box, the Monogram A-4E/F was the best Skyhawk kit available in 1/48. With the addition of this Kendall set, your Monogram ‘Scooter’ will be a show-stopper. This Update Set contains a new cockpit tub, a nicely detailed ejection seat, control stick, five new weapons pylons (four wing and one centerline), 16 sets of anti-sway braces, four rocket pods, three new wheels, and a new tail cap to represent a late-model A-4F. What is most intriguing about this set are two new intakes and an engine face that is designed to install in the Monogram fuselage. For the first time, you’ll be able to peer down the intakes and not see blank plastic! Whether you have a Skyhawk or two on your shelf or not, I recommend grabbing a few of these sets before KMC takes them out of production. If Revell-Monogram does not have plans to re-release their Skyhawk in the foreseeable future, take heart! Hobbycraft has an A-4B, A-4C and A-4E scheduled for 1999 release.
I always thought that the cockpit in Cooper Details' magnificent Westland Whirlwind was the most detailed resin cockpit I ever saw. It took me a couple of days to paint it and get all the little bits and pieces together, and when it was done it looked like the real thing had been hit with shrink spray. Ropy Sutherland has outdone himself with his newest, a multi-part cast resin cockpit for the Spitfire 22 and 24, and Seafire 46 and 47 kits by Airfix. This little jewel is a model all in itself! There are numerous small detail differences between the cockpit of the late-mark Griffon-powered Spitfires and their Merlin-powered progenitors. The sole complaint I can come up with about this marvelous cockpit is that they were all painted black, which makes this super detail hard to see! Nevertheless, if you want to make your Airfix Spitfire or Seafire really stand out from the crowd, this is one aftermarket cockpit to latch onto. Highly recommended! For further information, contact Roy SutherlandCooper Details 1/48 Spitfire 22 Cockpit
for the Airfix kit