CMK Me410 Detail Sets
By Chris Banyai-Riepl
The Pro Modeler Me410 is an incredibly well detailed kit, and out of the box builds up into a beautiful example of this Messerschmitt twin. But even the best of kits can be improved upon, and Czech Master Kits has done so with three detail sets designed for the Pro Modeler kit.
The first set is a control surface set, and it is a complete set. It comes with all the The interior detail set provides a very complete cockpit and a thin vacuformed canopy. The resin cockpit tubs are very well done, as is the sidewall panels. The seats have beautiful cushions molded in, along with seat belts. The brass parts complete the package, with a full set of film instruments and a nice relief etched panel to go around it. Throttles and other levers are included as well, making this set look as complete as possible. The vacuformed canopy will show all of this off to great effect, too, although it is somewhat cloudy in places. If you have the Pro Modeler Me410 and want to add some dazzle to it, any one of these sets would do it. All three together and you would have a real showstopper!control surfaces, including rudder, elevators, and ailerons. It also comes with the complete stabilizer, molded complete with the offset locating tabs. This will make assembly much easier, and reduces what you have to cut out. The fabric surfaces have very well done rib detail. The other nice touch to this set is both flaps, and the wing detail surrounding them. You can now display your Me410 with the flaps down. The instructions are complete, though small and hard to read. Luckily, there isn’t much to think about with this set, although the flaps might be difficult to figure out. Overall, this set will go a long way to sprucing up the Pro Modeler kit.
The final set will take the Me410 from decent to superb. This set is the engine set. Not only do you get the engine, but it also comes with a full wheel well detail set, including wheel well doors. The engine is very well detailed and has just about everything that was on the real thing. There will be a lot of painting to do here. Other resin parts include the upper engine cowling, exhaust stubs for both engines, engine bearer arms, and a firewall. The wheel well details consist of a wheel tub, forward wall, and both doors, plus the door actuators and part of the gear strut.
CMK Resin Sets are distributed by
USA: Military Model Distributors
United Kingdom: Hannants Ltd. Fax ++441502500521
Germany: Aeromodell/Eduard
Japan: Beaver Corporation Fax ++81336553115
Australia: N.K.R. Models
France: TMA Fax ++3387943722
New Zealand: Blue Sky